Sunday, October 24, 2010

New ACEC/APWA/ASCE Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System in Development

A new web-based sustainable infrastructure project rating system, a joint effort of acec, the American Public Works association (aPWa) and the american society of civil engineers (asce), is set to launch next spring.the goal of the new system and its companion training program will be to enhance the sustainability of the nation’s civil infrastructure, including transportation, water and environmental  projects of all types.
Michael r. cline, chairman of acec’s energy and environment committee and council liaison for the collaboration, says when finalized, the new rating system will significantly enhance the sustainability rating process for Member Firms and public works clients.
“First, it will provide a process that could help our clients evaluate their pro-posed projects through many areas of sustainable concepts and design on an easy-to-use web-based rating tool that includes links to reference materials and best practices,” he said. “it also will provide a mechanism for proposed projects to be pushed further along the sustainability scale, while checked against a project budget. Finally, it will provide an opportunity 
to help grow and brand the firm in using sustainability design practices through the certification and training process that will come out of  this effort.”
Under the program, sustainable infrastructure project ratings will be recognized only after an independently verified performance assessment, which will give the program a higher validity than self-verified programs that are frequently the standard in today’s market. the ultimate vision for the rating system is to produce a tool that will promote a more dynamic project delivery approach, where the practitioner, agency and owner can consider alternative approaches to achieving higher degrees of sustainability, and use those approaches to facilitate the regulatory approval process. acec, aPWa and asce will work with other organizations and government agencies to review and comment on the rating system. The consortium also will offer sustainability training and develop a certification program in an effort to further promote sustainable design and practice. The first phase of this program is expected to go into testing in fall 2010, in preparation for a planned public release in spring 2011.

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